Pairings | Crème brûlée
Which foods pair best with tawny port?
Posted on September 10 2014 at 13:52
We rarely think of tawny port as a flexible pairing for food. We serve it with stilton, obviously and with hard cheeses like cheddar, with nuts and dried fruits and over Christmas with fruit cake and mince pies but that’s usually as far as it goes.
Gooseberry and saffron crème brûlée with a southern French Muscat
Posted on June 23 2008 at 11:09
Once you get a feel for food and wine matching you don’t always need to taste a wine with a dish to know what will work. So it was with a simple, seasonal dessert I had last week at my favourite local, Culinaria.
Pairing beer with dessert
Posted on July 9 2009 at 14:58
If you were going to introduce someone to beer the last course you’d probably think of would be a dessert but as I discovered at a beer and pudding matching session at Brown’s Hotel in London it can be a surprisingly successful combination.